Exact voor Bouw. Voorraadbeheer met BarTrack


Connect your Exact for Construction account to BarTrack. Managing your inventory will be a breeze from then on.





Manage your inventory now in Exact for Construction

Integrate BarTrack inventory management with Exact for Construction in just four simple steps: connect, set up, scan, and automatically order. Experience the simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness of BarTrack.

1.Connect your Exact for Construction account with BarTrack

Simplify your inventory management by seamlessly connecting your Exact Construction account with BarTrack. Start by obtaining your API key in Exact for Construction. This key ensures a secure connection between the systems, allowing for a smooth integration of BarTrack with Exact and enhancing the efficiency of your administration and inventory management.

Next, navigate to the settings menu in BarTrack and enter your API key here. These simple actions will seamlessly integrate BarTrack with Exact, enhancing the efficiency of your administration and inventory management.



Koppel de BarTrack VoorraadManager aan Exact voor Bouw. Voorraden beheren wordt Kinderspel

2. Set up the BarTrack Inventory Manager

Step two in optimizing your inventory management is setting up the BarTrack Inventory Manager. Here, you can easily indicate which items you have in stock and their respective locations. Determine the current quantities and configure whether items should be automatically reordered when the stock falls below a minimum level.

The Inventory Manager also enables you to generate and print barcode labels for each item. These labels can be used in your warehouse to maintain organization and accessibility.

Exact - Inrichten voorraadManager

4. Book directly on your project: Scan with the Exact App when taking out items

When you need an item, simply scan the barcode or label using the Exact for Construction App and in the app, select which project you will be using the materials for. The items you take out will be immediately and accurately booked to the project, and the quantity of items you take out will be recorded in the BarTrack Inventory Manager, simplifying your administration and saving you time. This seamlessly combines accuracy with efficiency.

Exact - Beheer je voorraden met de BarTrack App

4. Automated orders and Inventory updates with BarTrack

Never miss out with BarTrack. When a stock item falls below the minimum level, BarTrack automatically orders this item from your chosen supplier. Upon receipt of the order, simply mark the goods as received in BarTrack. This automatically updates your inventory position, ensuring you always have the right amount of materials. Efficient inventory management becomes a reality with BarTrack.

Automatisch voorraad aanvullingen bestellen met BarTrack

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Schedule a demonstration and discover how BarTrack can make a significant difference for your wholesale business in just 30 minutes.