Getting Started with BarTrack

Wholesale Step-by-Step Guide

1. Want to learn more about BarTrack? 

Schedule an online demo with one of our Partner Managers. In a collaborative session lasting 30 minutes, they will showcase all the possibilities and discuss the benefits that BarTrack can bring to your organization.

Plan een online demonstratie

Landing - demo team


2. Orders are delivered according to your preferences.

Do you want your customers to complete their orders in your online store? No problem. Whether your online store is a custom application or runs on a popular platform, we seamlessly integrate with every online store. Guaranteed.

Would you prefer to receive your orders on your FTP server? Alternatively, email delivery is also an option. In summary, BarTrack provides order delivery tailored to your organization's preferences.

During the demonstration, we will further explain the possibilities and provide you with all the necessary (technical) information afterwards, so you can get started right away.

Online demo


3. Easily Add Your Product File

To get started with BarTrack, the first step is to add your product file. This can be done by importing a csv file with all the necessary product information.

But here's the amazing part - BarTrack also integrates with Channable. If your wholesale supplier is connected, selected products will be automatically added. This not only saves you a ton of time and effort, but more importantly, ensures that your product information on BarTrack is always up-to-date.

hub.bartrack - importeren


4. Setting up Inventory Locations

Now it's time to dive in. Support your customer in managing and ordering their inventory items. BarTrack allows you to set up different inventory locations for each customer. A cupboard, a shelf, even a company van can serve as an inventory location.

Select your customer in the BarTrack HuB and create a starter list of items. This list includes all the items and their corresponding locations. Additionally, you have the option to print barcode labels yourself and define detailed ordering instructions for each item and location, such as order quantity and minimum and maximum stock levels.

hub.bartrack - barcodes printen



Frequently Asked Questions

"Just delivering stuff. It's not enough in this day and age".
Frits Thasing: Key account Manager Technische Unie
Frits Thasing
Key account Manager Technische Unie
"When we assemble products in our own factory, we add value"
Faried Santoe
Faried Santoe
Projectleider Bouw BUVA
"In practice, one of the drawbacks ofB2B webshops is that you have to have internet; with BarTrack, fortunately, you don't need that either."
Anne van Maanen
Improvement manager Elho